Planning for an Aquaponics System (pt 1)
Why in the world would you want to build an aquaponics system? The following are some of the requests that have come to me for design and development: A hobby…
Why in the world would you want to build an aquaponics system? The following are some of the requests that have come to me for design and development: A hobby…
The concept is simple. Water, containers, plants and fish come together in a symbiotic relationship and environment. Aquaponics has been around for centuries in one form or another. From what I can gather, the Aztecs were some of the first people known to be involved with this type of system, using their chinampas - or floating gardens - to feed their enormous population. Their system may not be what we call aquaponics today, but the basic principles are the same: plants thriving from nutrient-rich water.